Finally Middle East dispatch the Self-Defense Forces risk of

Finally Middle East dispatch the Self-Defense Forces risk of Finally Middle East dispatch the Self-Defense Forces risk of [Kujuunoketsudan] In the Middle East of confusion to destabilize in the confrontation of Iran and the United States over the nuclear issue, it has become Japan could be involved situation. Japan is heavily dependent on oil in the Middle East, in the form to receive the American pressure, the government is to ensure the safety of navigation, was supposed to be its own dispatch the Self-Defense Forces in the Middle East region. Japan is an American ally, has maintained a historically Iran with friendly relations, it can be said that the [dispatch decision of the Self-Defense Forces in the Middle East was the agonizing choice of in a dilemma] (government officials). Also fear to face the hair-trigger situation While one after another attack on the tanker is security around the Strait of Hormuz to severe degradation, the Iranian government is [responsibility to protect the safety of the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf is located in Iran and neighboring countries, other countries should not be intervention] and I take the position, had been restraining the beginning and the international community in Japan.

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