Tanker attack criminal looking for danger

Finally Middle East dispatch the Self-Defense Forces risk of Tanker attack criminal looking for danger This matter is poor material is, in situations where prejudice and just speculation has bought fly, for who has attacked the tanker, everyone will is not to not come out logical evidence, such as convincing or? US CNN, although the Iranian Navy ship that the US military has been published has reported a video that was removed the unexploded ordnance from the hull of the tanker, to might have been removed because it is dangerous, you get even to your discretion, depending on interpretation . The United States of information does not necessarily have always correct. At the timing at which Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Iran, tankers interests of Japan was involved in that was attacked, you can also analysis of who it is to the obtained by the effect of a visit to the ruins. But the United States, Iran, and will Otoshimeyo each Saudi Arabia ... parties to the other party, there is also a possibility to use conveniently the incident. Swayed to the uncertain information, it is dangerous to the search for the culprit unfounded

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