Issued information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs towards Africa ...

Finally Middle East dispatch the Self-Defense Forces risk of Issued information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs towards Africa and the Middle East. Finally Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs of nonessential respect again Ebola We were following notice to refrain from travel. United States and other foreign countries one fast But had been corresponding, or so sides realize that from Japan Africa is far is not it. 0 date the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [Travel Information] (risk information): Issue of infectious diseases dangerous information (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone) version "For travelers" Please to travel of nonessential postponed. Once even if immigration, commercial flights Due flight stop, noted that there may not be able to leave please. "Japanese nationals for" Due to flight stop commercial flights, potential and local can not be leaving the country In there is a possibility that not enough medical care is received. They stepped on For example, please consider the early evacuation. Upon returning home, they are staying in the stopover and Japan domestic airports, etc.

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